Photo Shoot Pics – Part One: Tyrol Jacket

Francesca, Marveng PucketAfter my recent photo shoot, I received 173 photos from photographer Kim Müller. I did manage to narrow it down to 50 photos but really struggled to pick the agreed 20 and ended on 22 photos of the stunning Francesca Golfetto which he then optimized. The first ones I would like to show you is of the Tyrol Jacket, knitted in the hand-dyed Madeline Tosh DK – see madelinetosh – since I have just announced the test knit on Ravelry. Indeed, a very popular one since there are only spaces left in the larger sizes; L, XL and XXL if you want to join, see Ravelry. My aim with the photo shoot was to have marvelous photos displaying an artistic elegance and sensuality. I achieved my aim, thanks to dancer Francesca Golfetto, photographer Kim Müller and my husband; the photo assistant!

Francesca, Marveng PucketI had asked Francesca to wear her hair in a loose bun and smoky eyes. Of course she obliged and looked divine despite taking part in the 3,5 hour long premier performance of the ballet I Fokines Verden/In Fokine’s World the evening before,  see photos here: Operaen. All she needed was an extra cup of coffee!

Francesca, Marveng Pucket

Francesca is a smaller size than I am, she is a typical XS; 30-32″ while I am a S; 34″, hence the Tyrol Jacket is worn with more ease on her than on me. I did find these cables with parts of reversible stocking stitches addictive hence I had to make a matching scarf. The bordering garter stitch do seem to make the cables pop out and I love that!

Francesca, Marveng Pucket

The Tyrol Jacket pattern will be released in my Ravelry store after the completed test knit, in January. I hope you enjoy the photos as much as I do!


12 thoughts on “Photo Shoot Pics – Part One: Tyrol Jacket

  1. Det første bildet i denne serien er ikke så bra. Hun skjuler litt med hånden oppe på skulderen og en brett på jakken nede til høyre (sett forfra). Jakken er nydelig.
    Hilsen Inger

    • Ja, helst skulle det vært uten brett, men den oppdaget jeg for sent. Vi prøvde oss på litt forskjellige arm bevegelser for å få litt variasjon. Tusen takk!

    • Oh, I am delighted that you think so, Tracy! It took me awhile to get rid off my annoyance with the different dye lots, but it grew on me and it does highlight the sleeves with the saddle shoulder.

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