Pierre Hetzel: Fragments 2013 at Åpent Bakeri

DSCN1466My husband and I went to the opening of Pierre’s new exhibition at Åpent Bakeri/Open Bakery a few weeks back. Yes it is him standing in the doorway in the photo above. This is his second exhibition at Åpent Bakeri, called “Fragments 2013” and shows “photos of 18 moments which made him stop and forget everything else for a second. Fragments from a life and a world filled with longing and happiness; to a smaller or a larger degree from France and Lebanon.” Those are the other two countries close to his heart, where he has family and friends. Pierre explains in the interview at foto.no that it is the daily moments that catches his attention; whether it is a situation, a movement or light that attracts him. Pierre is mainly driven by a wish to share the just these special moments with others. And I for one, is ever so grateful he does. Do look at the photos accompanying the interview and on his website: pierrehetzel. The exhibition will be hanging until late December, so do visit the exhibition and enjoy the moments he has captured so brilliantly, if you can.


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