Happy New Year

IMG_2617Takk for det gamle/Thank you for the old one, we say to each other when the new year approaches in Norway! It is a good custom, in my opinion to thank friends and family for making the year richer, and so much better. So thank you for following me this last year, and I wish you a happy and healthy new year! I hope it will be one that makes us grow, not physically but mentally, that is! I also hope it will bring lots of happiness and shared pleasures. The lovely photo above is of my youngest nephew; Kristoffer aged 2, and his sister; Martine aged 7, but not showing their beloved older brother; Fredrik aged 16. They are having fun assisting their dad, my brother, refurbishing the basement of their house that is going to be Fredrik’s new room. In the meantime, the empty floor space is a perfect playground for Kristoffer. I will be welcoming the new year at home with my husband and my knitting! Bring it on!


10 thoughts on “Happy New Year

  1. Thank you for the old one Linda. Wishing both you and Michael a very happy new year. I look foward to seeing your designs go from success to success in 2015!

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