Swatches from My Book

Here is a small selection of swatches I made in preparation for designing garments for my book. I love knitting cables and my favorite yarn for making any aran garment is Mostly Merino Lightweight Yarn, made of 77% merino/fine wool and 23% mohair (56 g/ 2 oz, 228 m/250 yds) because it creates sculptural cables with a lot of give to them. See

This swatch is knitted with a rich red called October, chosen among 29 hand-dyed colours available, on 3mm/US 2-3. These cables are used together with a woven cable and a large basket pattern in an Aran Bolero with a belt, the garment chosen to be on the cover. Soon to be released, I hope.

photograph: Guri Pfeifer

Tencel is another favourite yarn I have discovered, fairly recently, made of cellulose and is a newer version of rayon. It has a fabulous drape and shine in addition to feeling like wearing silk, but unlike silk it can be pulled into shape and hides all unevenness. This is WEBS’s own Valley Yarn Tencel 8/2, (453 g/1 lb cone, approx. 3072m/3360 yds) knitted double on a 3mm/US 2-3. See

The swatch below shows it in Taupe and the pattern chosen is called Alternated Twists, which creates an intricate cross effect and look a lot more complicated than it is to knit. I have designed a cross over jacket in this pattern.

photograph: Guri Pfeifer

Huldra Kamgarn from Hifa, made of Norwegian wool, comes in a huge selection of beautiful clear colours (82 in total) which has a beautiful stitch definition. It is made of 100 % wool, knits on a 3mm/US 2-3, and comes on 200 g/0.4 lb cones (850 m/929 yds) See

I chose this dropped stitch pattern, created by Lynne Barr – see her stunning book Reversible Knitting – for a Japanese inspired Vest that has only 1 armhole, large enough to fit both arms, which can be used loose and long or pinned up with a shawl pin.

photograph: Guri Pfeifer

Another swatch knitted in Mostly Merino Lightweight yarn, in a rich Granite colour, in a pleat pattern that creates an added dimension in knitwear. The swatch looks like it has been felted, but it has only been lightly steamed and stretched. I have designed a cropped cardigan using this stitch pattern and a scarf collar knitted in a cabled rib cord pattern. I hope to show you pictures taken by book photographer Kim Müller soon…

Photograph: Guri Pfeifer
