Wollmeise – One of My Favourite Yarns

Yes, it is one of my favourite yarns too! The number of fans the German Wollmeise yarn has, seems to be increasing all the time. It is one of those discoveries you hear about through other knitters and whose reputation is going sky high. How did you get hold of yours? Is a common question among Wollmeise fans since the demand is so much larger than the supply from indie dyer Claudia Höll-Wellman of Wollmeise.

What makes it so special, you ask. It is the vibrantly intense colours that knock you sideways as well as the stunning stitch definition it gives. The number of colours is, just as the fanbase never ending, well above 150 solid, semi-solid and the multi-coloured combinations you could only dream about. Claudia never found the excact colour she wanted hence she started dying by hand herself: “…for a long time I experimented in getting for instance the velvet bluish lilac of violets and not only the ordinary lilac. Sometimes this just happens, like Rhubarb. I see the colour and remember the juicy leaves and shafts of rhubarb.”

Photograph: Kim Müller

I am one of nearly 5600 members of Wollmeiseholics Anonymous on Ravelry – a group for the seriously addicted. It comes in 2 thicknesses: sock and lace in generous hanks. Where can you buy it, you ask and here is the catch: you can only buy it directly from the shop in Germany – you need to follow their updates on whats available – or by visiting or telephoning Loop in London who receives a monthly supply – for updates see their group on Ravelry. Here are the links: rohrspatzundwollmeise and loopknitting.

I felt the urge to use 1 hank of Lace in shade “Petit Poison” to make the “Milanese Lace Shawl” in my book – still only available in Norwegian – that can be buttoned into a shrug. Above are two photos of Anna Pfeifer wearing it, photographed by Kim Müller. I do not need to stash dive – I love that idea – to know that my Wollmeise stash could be larger and contains only enough yarn for 2 projects. Below is a photo of a hank of 100% in Magnolia. I have seen photos from the summer sale at the shop in Germany – yes, on Ravelry – and would love to go to admire each colour and bringing an empty suitcase…


10 thoughts on “Wollmeise – One of My Favourite Yarns

  1. Lykke til med meisegarnet ditt. Jeg er nok ikke en av tilhengerne da jeg synes det er “bomullsaktig”, men det finnes i mange nydelige farger. Til sjal foretrekker jeg mykere garn av ymse tykkelser, men til klær tror jeg det vil være perfekt! Kan derfor tenke meg å strikke en jakke/topp av garnet 🙂

    • Takk skal du ha, Liv! Jeg er enig at det føles som bomull, jeg trodde faktisk det var bomull til å begynne med! Derfor blir maskedefinisjonen så fin, synes jeg. Det er hyggelig å høre hva andre ville bruke garnet til!

  2. Wollmeise er et virkelig godt garn til mye! Jeg har kun strikket med 100% superwash og Twin, ikke Lace, men spesielt sjalene er jeg godt fornøy med. Nå i sommer er det sjalet Vlad, i Petit Poison, som har vært en favoritt 🙂 Mulig det er minnene fra hvor sjalet ble strikket som gjør det ekstra populært. Sjalet ble strikket på Subwayen og i parker og kafeer i New York i fjor høst i forbindelse med en ukestur sammen med 2 andre strikkeglade damer. Rhinebeck ullfestival ble selvsagt også besøkt!

    • Det er jeg enig i! Jeg må sjekke ut Vlad og liker selvsagt fargevalget ditt! Ja, minner er viktig når man strikker! Så gøy å høre om dine minner, takk skal du ha Marit! Jeg skulle gjerne besøkt Rhinebeck ullfestival!

  3. I am aware of this yarn but have never had a chance to try it. What you are writing about colours, sounds very promising. Rather otften colour is a prolbem: you like the yarn but the colour range is rather small or no colour at all suits you.

    • Yes, I agree, even beautiful yarns do not always have the colour you want or are looking for. Thank you for pointing it out, Anna! Wollmeise has managed to capture the essence of colour and that is why it has become such a yarn addiction to many knitters. I recommend you try it!

    • I can understand why – you will find no advertisements for this yarn only word of mouth. Luscious is a great word for describing the colours of Wollmeise, Tracy! Thank you!

  4. Pingback: Shawl Fever – Viajante by Martina Behm | Linda Marveng

  5. Pingback: Milanese Lace Shawl by Jane Brindley | Linda Marveng

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