Oydis Pattern in Russian

I was encouraged to have my patterns translated into Russian by one of my Ravelry group moderators Katja, who had received several questions for Russian translations. Katja, aka ekatja, knew dashuta on Ravelry, so she came highly recommended. The first pattern I sent her for translation was my Oydis Sweater, which is also available in English, German and Norwegian. The Japanese version is also coming shortly. But first below is the introduction to my Oydis Sweater in Russian and then in English. Above you see the gorgeous Alexandria Eissinger, with hair & makeup by Sissel Fylling, wearing the Oydis Sweater, captured by Eivind Røhne at the Ekeberg Restaurant in Oslo:

Выразительный узор из ромбов доминирует в этом свитере А-силуэта с закругленной линией низа, которая выгодно подчеркивает фигуру. Низ свитера обрамлен полым шнуром, боковые швы и горловина подчеркнуты полосами платочной вязки. В комплекте с воротом или без, этот свитер станет достойным гардероба. Ойдис, древнескандинавской богини удачи. Перед и спинка вяжутся отдельно, а рукава и ворот – по кругу. В представленном образце нить классического твида соединена с нитью тончайшего шнурочка альпаки, и вместе они создают нежное полотно с восхитительной рельефностью узора.

A shadow diamond cable dominates this a-line sweater with a curved flattering hem. I-cord bands frame the bottom of the sweater, while garter stitches mark the sides and the round neckband. The sweater, with or without the cowl to dress it up, make the outfit ideal for the Goddess of good luck; Oydis. The body of the sweater is knitted flat, while the sleeves and the cowl, are knitted in the round. A fine tweed yarn is held together with an alpaca lace yarn, with a chain construction, to create a fabric with a beautiful stitch definition and a slight halo.

Thank you, Katja and dashuta!


2 thoughts on “Oydis Pattern in Russian

  1. I just bought your pattern for the Oydis sweater and am a bit confused regarding the cable part of the pattern. One says it is worked in the round and I assume that is for the sleeves. The other says it is worked back and forth, so I am assuming that is for the front and back pieces. It is such a beautiful sweater, I want to make sure I have it right before starting. Thank you.

    • Thank you, Debra! Yes, you are right. After the I-cord beginning on the sleeve it is worked in the round, while the body parts are worked back and forth. Thank you so much!

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