Cablewing Sweater by Margaret Rowe

P1030746_mediumToday, I am delighted to show you the beautiful Cablewing Sweater Margaret Rowe, aka Marg3016 on Ravelry, test knitted in the stunning bright pink tweed yarn called Loden by Grignasco. She was inspired to join the test knit after seeing Yelena’s gorgeous version, see my blogpost Cablewing Sweater by Yelena Malcolm Dasher. In fact they are both popular test knitters due to their eagle eyes, and amazing pictures. Do notice Margaret’s matching lipstick! Her excellent choice of yarn in a mixture of 50% wool, 25% rayon and 25% alpaca with 110 m/120 yds per 50 g, has made me add it to my long list of yarns I want to test, see Grignasco. The only modification she made is to make the sleeves a little longer. Equally well fitting is the back, see below. Thank you so much, Margaret!

P1030744_mediumMy original sample of the Cablewing Sweater was knitted in Hifa Embla, a pure wool with bounce, and first published in the Norwegian separate issue called Familien Strikkebok in August 2013. The pattern is available in both English and Norwegian on Ravelry.


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