New Design: Alva

XT1A2750I wanted to design another poncho, since the first one I made – Mohair Poncho for my book – is so popular but whether it is due to the design or the styling or both, I am not sure. Just as last time, my aim was to make a more stylish poncho than the traditional triangular shaped ones: My Alva is a feminine poncho with a deep shawl collar in a reversible diamond pattern worked only in knit and purl stitches. Close it at the front or pin both fronts together at the back with a beautiful shawl pin, see above. Or you can throw one front loosely across your shoulder or wear it hanging loose (see below). If you prefer, make buttonholes along the double seed stitch edge. The wide shoulder makes it drop down so, add a pair of long wrist warmers to make the outfit complete. The set is knitted in a luscious merino called Tropical Lane, Wollissimo available in Norway from the online shop “Det Mjuke“. The Norwegian pattern will be published in Familien Strikk on sale from late August, while the English pattern will be test knitted in my Ravelry group before its release.

XT1A2773Not only the yarn but also the knitting is kindly sponsored by Tropical Lane and “Det Mjuke“. It was the Manager herself, Anne Magrethe Manzetti – yes, she is Norwegian but have spent 8 years in Italy and is fluent in Italian (read: yes, including all knitting terminology) – who organized the yarn sponsoring and knitted the sample poncho with the matching wrist warmers. Yes, it is big and the poncho takes 17 skeins to knit, each consisting of 50 grams with 125 meters/137 yards in pure merino, using 4 mm/US 6. Hence it comes in only one size with a bust circumference of 170 cm/67″ and a length of 80 cm/31.5″.

XT1A2775 cropThe poncho is knitted in 3 parts and the shawl collar is worked at the same time as the front. The selvedge stitch is knitted in Double Seed stitch. At the end the collar is attached at the neck and the shoulders are sewn together. Make buttonholes if you prefer. The pattern is reversible, so choose which side you prefer as the right side. You can easily thread a thin elastic through the top of the wrist warmers if preferred. The only sewing required is the join at the shoulders and at the center back neck.

XT1A2763I did at first intend to make short-rows across the shoulders, but since there are 6 parts to it, the interference into the pattern was too massive and an old-fashioned bind off was the easier option. I did not want the poncho to hang like it was made for a super hero, hence the numerous bind off on the shoulders and the shawl collar. You could also wear the poncho with a belt either with only the front tucked in, or all around the poncho if you prefer.

XT1A2757I choose the side with most stocking stitch as the right side but the reversible Diamond pattern looks equally beautiful with the reverse stocking stitch side out. So you can decide before you need to join in your second ball which side to have as your right side. All the photos in this post is taken by my husband a few days before the professional photoshoot at the end of May. The poncho looked stunning on model Anne Dorthe/Team Models and it has been captured by brilliant photographer Eivind Røhne. To be continued.


4 thoughts on “New Design: Alva

  1. Very interesting design. The wrist warmers complement the ruana aesthetically and practically. I love your Mohair Poncho as well!

    • Thank you so much, Ruth! I love the fact that you think the wrist warmers complement it. I had to look up “ruana” since its a new word for me: “A ruana is a poncho-style outer garment typical of the Andes region of Venezuela and Colombia, particularly in the Boyacá department and Antioquia”. From Wikipedia.

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