Kibo Worn by Verity Bradford

My Kibo design made for Hillesvåg Ullvarefabrikk looked stunning on Verity Bradford (who is a multidisciplinary circus artist, personal trainer and costume designer), married to Michael’s son Tom. These photos were taken by Michael back in December at the National Museum in Oslo, when they were visiting us. The pattern is the next one I will release at the beginning of June in my Ravelry store. Yarn kits will soon be available to order online directly from Hillesvåg Ullvarefabrikk.

Above you see me wearing Kibo together with Verity, in the new Hayami design (the pattern is now released in English and Norwegian). If you compare the photos you will see that I am wearing Kibo with a lot less ease than Verity. The sample was made in size 2, with a bust circumference of 107.5 cm/42.25 inches and Verity has 25.5 cm/10 inches of positive ease, while I have 19.5 cm/7.75 inches.
Kibo, Japanese for hope, is a straight oversized vest with a deep armhole bind off replaced by a wide armholeband. Kibo is adorned with a central double seed stitch pattern, except for the sides which have a line of stocking stitch. The neckband is worked in the round with shaping, the armhole bands are worked flat and seamed in, and the body is worked back and forth in two pieces with side seams for a better fit. Kibo is knitted in Tinde with lustre from Hillesvåg Ullvarefabrikk.
Take a look at the impressive handstand, I believe my jaw dropped when I first saw that! We had fun at our small photoshoot at the museum!