New Design: Ayaka

Ayaka is an A-line jacket with a climbing lace and cable pattern inspired by the luscious, vivid almost luminous violet colour of a silk & merino blend from Save the Yarn in Switzerland (yes, that is excess yarn from the fashion industry that would otherwise be pulped). Michael photographed me wearing it in Barcelona, at the roof of the Andante Hotel, chosen by the Barcelona Knits festival where I was teaching back in November last year.

The stitch pattern is one that I found in one of my Japanese stitch dictionaries. I chose to use only part of it on the sleeve with twisted stitches as dividers.

The jacket is knitted in pieces from the bottom up and seamed. The frontband is worked at the same time as each front and is a simplified pattern repeat of the sleeve pattern.
The sample in size 1 is knitted using a 3.25 mm/US 3 needle with a 25 stitch and 34 rows gauge measuring 10 cm/4 inches square. I am currently grading the jacket in sizes 1 to 9, before I send it off to my technical editor and the test knit set to start 10th of June in my Ravelry group. I look forward to sharing how divine it looked on Anette Løvtangen at our photoshoot back in November.