New Design Soon Finished

I am currently working on Check Cable Cardigan and have been doing so for a long time now. The move has upset my knitting routine and I have done a lot less than I usually do. Now that the majority of paperwork is done and while I am waiting for my stash to arrive in Oslo – the latest news is that the trailer will arrive on the 3. August, not exactly the beginning of the week starting 23. July as stated in our offer but still… – I have started knitting again. The cardigan is knitted in Dale Yarns’ Lerke which is  52% fine merino, 48% Egyptian cotton, 50g/1.7oz, 115m/125yds and knits on a 4mm/US 6 For more colours see dalegarn. I have designed a straight summer cardigan ideal for the cooler summer evenings with a reversible cable pattern for the collar and a curvy check stitch for the remainder of it. Here is the swatch photographed from the right side.

The wrong side is equally nice, I believe and could easily have been chosen as the right side instead since both patterns are reversible. See the photo below. I still have to calculate the sleeve top shaping and plan to knit a cable belt with belt loops before it is complete as well as knitting the back collar and sewing it together. A moment of excitement to see how it comes together and reveals whether it came out like I want it to! The combination of wool and cotton gives the best stitch definition and it is why Jean Moss has it as her favourite yarn she pointed out on my Facebook page when I posted about my one of my favourite yarns, see mostly-merino-one-of-my-favourite-yarns. I find her blog a source of inspiration as well, see jeanmosshandknits and scroll down to read her brilliant post on York  Grand Tour.

Why did I not chose Thomas Kvist Yarns Amoretto? You ask if you know me well and the reply is that he has unfortunately closed down his company. So do buy it while you still can from Norwegian online shop: perlehuset or if in Oslo visit yarn shop: nostetmitt. But Thomas has an ever increasing number of knitting shops, customers and designers in his contacts and will come back stronger in the future.  I met him for lunch last Friday and will reveal more in the next post.


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