My Book Out in Finland

My book title “To rette en vrang. Designstrikk” literally translates to “Two knit one purl. Design knit” but the Finnish title – which I cannot pronounce – translates to “Time to Knit! Modern and classic knitting models in the style of couturiers/top designers”. I am very pleased with the title, and like the stylish front cover publishers WSOY have made. If you read Finnish, here is the description of it: On the cover is a stunning photo, taken by photographer Kim Müller of model Kari-Anne Næssø, wearing the Daisy Shrug & Cowl knitted in a beautiful shade of light jeans blue Thin Alpaca by the Norwegian company Du Store Alpakka using a 3 mm/US 2.5. I do think they loved the Finnish flag color combination of white text and a blue garment!

The Finnish language is very unlike the other Scandinavian languages, and belongs to a different language group all together: Uralic which also include Estonian and other minority languages spoken around the Baltic Sea. So I must admit there are very few Finnish words I know, but I will speedily learn more now from simply reading my own book! It will be exciting to follow how many Finnish knitters, I can attract. I would not mind a trip to design conscious Helsinki!
