Last Thursday evening I was invited by Strikkefestivalen/Knitting festival to hold a presentation of my designs in Fredrikstad. So two days in a row, I held my new PowerPoint presentation. I did not even need to re-pack my suitcase. Above you see one of the photos taken at Fredrikstad, a few minutes before I began my presentation. Yes, I was still wearing my Bowery Tunic knitted in Madeline Tosh, Tosh DK made for knit.wear Spring/Summer 2017. On sale was drinks, a small collections of cakes and popular raffle tickets with a selection of prizes.
I brought a number of my sample garments, swatches, skeins of yarn, magazines my designs appear in and my book. The stylist Kristin Elise Halkjelsvik of Makeløs/Remarkable – yes, indeed she is – came and so did textile artist Sissel Strand, to my delight! After my presentation, my swatches and garments were studied. Kristin has styled several of my designs for the magazine Made by Me but also for different catwalks, the last one was Strikke 2017 at Hadeland Glassverk. What makes her remarkable, is how she re-designs an old handcrafted item such as embroidered table cloth into a dress and then add a length of tulle fabric together with a knitted or crocheted garment into an colour explosion but also a feast for the eye. It was a pleasure to meet Kristin and Sissel again, but also to meet knitters I knew from my workshop and new knitters!
Marit Larsen is the organiser and also the Managing Director of Explore Travel who is organising a knitting weekend for the Norwegian magazine Hjemmet to Røros in October. I have been invited to hold talks & workshops and look forward to visiting Røros for the first time. If you have not heard about Røros I can tell you that it is one of the oldest towns of wooden buildings in Europe, founded in 1644. Due to its authentic wooden buildings and unique character of an early mining town, Røros was added to the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1980. So if you are interested, you will find more details here: Strikk Røros okt 2018.