Postcard from Svalbard/Spitsbergen

I have recently spent 5 days at Svalbard/Spitsbergen – a group of islands in the Arctic Ocean about midway between the northern coast of Norway and the North Pole – with a group of 8 women travelling on a knitting trip with the Norwegian magazine Hjemmets Reiseklubb/Travel Club organised by Explore Travel. Continue reading


Strikkeweekend at Røros

Røros, is one of the places in Norway, I have wanted to visit for quite a long time, so I was very excited when Marit Larsen founder of Explore Travel asked if I would be interested in holding workshops and talks at a Knitting Weekend with the Norwegian magazine ‘Hjemmet’ at Røros in October. Indeed, I was. Røros is is one of the oldest towns of wooden buildings in Europe, founded in 1644. Due to its authentic wooden buildings and unique character of an early mining town, Røros was added to the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1980. Of course, Michael wanted to come too and that was ideal since he could my technical support, in addition to photographer and roadie. I wanted to travel the quickest route and that was by plane; a very small Dash-8-100 with only 39 seats operated by Widerøe; a wind-up plane according to Michael. It did feel like flying in slow motion and the propeller located at each wing was ever so noisy. The airport is in walking distance to the city center, but Marit did pick us up from the arrival hall, where there were no baggage belts at all.

My first talk on Friday evening was a presentation of my knitting career to all 110 attendees at Bergstadens Hotel. The top photo is the cosy reception area, which turned into a knitting café during our stay. Those that could not find a seat, conveniently choose the bar next door. Michael and I went for a quick walk after dinner, but on our return, I checked out what the women had on their needles, while I was wearing my Ena. There were a few of my designs around, I was ever so pleased to see!

After my talk, I answered questions while the knitters could take a closer look on a selection of my designs, I had brought. For the occassion I had prepared two new talks and got to test; ‘Digital Knitting’ on Saturday evening and the last ‘The Knitting Clinic’ on Sunday afternoon. Some knitters had traveled far, from the north; Bodø and from the south; Tjøme. Most had arrived by the knitting train; one scheduled from Oslo and one from Trondheim, while the remaining ones had driven.

The breakfast was fantastic, not only where there locally made food but everything you could desire. Above is just one of several buffets. Included in our stay was a full board, so we ate extremely well while we were there.

My program was holding two workshops on Saturday and one on Sunday. The first one was cable knitting for beginners, the second one a cable knitting masterclass and the last one was a perfect fit workshop. Yes, I am wearing my Embrae. These two photos are from my final workshop and taken by Vigdis Winge, the handcraft editor at Hjemmet. You can see her sipping coffee in the second photo from the top. Vigdis organised a quiz during the first dinner on Friday night and each person at the winning table, received a generous selection of magazines.

I am demonstrating my favourite way of joining seams; using a crochet hook and slip stitches. There were a couple of spaces available on my first workshop, but the other two were fully booked. The spaces on the Knitting Weekend were all taken, and there was a waiting list. Back at Røros airport, we discovered that the security gate was a combined check in desk as well. When all the 39 passengers where there, some had to stand next to the self-help ice cream counter with a honesty box on top. The flight was an adventure in itself. I met so many nice knitters and had a fabulous weekend! Both Michael and I took a lot of photos, so I will make a second post with photos from Røros.


Cablewing Accessories in Hjemmet 41/2018

I am thrilled to let you know that I have my Cablewing Accessories pattern in the Norwegian weekly magazine: “Hjemmet”. They have a special extra magazine with small knits; hats, mittens, socks and scarfs, see the cover above. The editor for handicrafts contacted me and wondered if I had a pattern that would fit in, and I certainly did even though it is not a new pattern. The timing is perfect as I will meet the editor Vigdis next weekend at the “Strikkehelg”/Knitting Weekend at Røros, organised by Explore Travel for the magazine, see below. Alexandria Eissinger is wearing my Cablewing Accessories with makeup & hair by Jens J. Wiker and jewellery by Kaja Gjedebo Design, all brilliantly captured by Eivind Røhne at Ingierstrand Bad.

Cablewings surrounded by lace gives these accessories a flowery expression. They coordinate with the Cablewing Sweater; for a wonderfully regal look pair the wrap with the sweater. It is warm, practical but also decorative. All accessories are knitted in a pure wool with bounce, Embla from Hifa. I chose an irresistible purple-pink shade, well suited for the stitch pattern, for the cowl and the wristwarmers. The English pattern is available at Ravelry and at Loveknitting.

 The Knitting Weekend is fully booked with 104 women from all over Norway. I am holding talks & workshops and look forward to visiting Røros for the first time. If you have not heard about Røros I can tell you that it is one of the oldest towns of wooden buildings in Europe, founded in 1644. Due to its authentic wooden buildings and unique character of an early mining town, Røros was added to the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1980.


Strikkefestivalen/Knitting Festival in Fredrikstad 2018

For the 3rd time the Strikkefestivalen/Knitting Festival was organised in Fredrikstad Old Town, the oldest fortified town in Norway (founded in 1567) and in the Nordic countries and one of the best-preserved fortress towns in Northern Europe (see more photos from two years ago here). I arrived on Friday by train from Oslo, in the aftermath of a hurricane (read: extremely windy and wet), and did wonder whether the city ferry to the old town was running. It was, but the rocking sensation did make it feel more like being on the ferry to Denmark, crossing the North Sea. Thankfully, the ferry only takes a few minutes to cross the river Glomma. Due to the extreme weather, there were less knitters visiting the market hall on the Friday, than last year. So I did manage to have a good look, but did not buy anything (read: very well done). I walked over to the Commandor’s building, where all the workshops were held, met a few knitters I recognised from last year, to find designer Tove Fevang since both of us were staying with organiser and founder of the travel agency Explore Travel; Marit Larsen. But before we headed home to Marit, we went to the Official Opening Event taking place in what would be the Knit Café for the event, in the Cloth House (another former military building, now housing the museum and premises for rent). A place perfect for drinking wine and knitting. Take a look at the video (above) the festival made for volunteers and get a better idea of the idyllic old town setting. Actually, more than 90 volunteers did participate this year.

Tove and I had wine at Marit’s house. Yes, Marit found us chatting in the kitchen when she came home a few hours later. Tove held her third while I held my first workshop on Saturday morning from 10 am to 1 pm. It was the first time for my Beginners Cable Knitting workshop and it went well. One of the knitters that had signed on, had actually done my Masterclass in Cable Knitting, the year before and first thought she would do it again but decided to try a different workshop, even though they were in the opposite order than I had planned. I met some of the other designers present; Helle Siggerud and Kari Hestnes, during the lunch break. Both had exhibits in the museum during the festival, and so did Tove. It is always fun to see the designs on a mannequin and not only in a photo online.

Tove and I had lunch at the Knit Café. We met several of the volunteers we knew from last year as well as knitters. My second workshop was fully booked hence the afternoon went quickly. After 6 hours of teaching, Tove and I were on the lookout for an open café in the old town. We quickly realised that all the cafés were closed after 6 pm on a Saturday, since Tove drove down nearly all the streets to find one. We did enjoy looking for one, though. So instead we headed for the Knitting Evening, took out our knitting, chatted and waited impatiently for the food. At our table was Anna, who is a doctor by profession, but also the owner of Anna’s Angora, see above. Yes, she has 120 angora rabbits as well as other animals at her croft.

Our table did not win the quiz, our defence is that a number of the questions were not knitting related. The winning table received goody bags with knitting and crochet magazines from the Norwegian magazine Familien as well as sweeties. During the evening we ate delicious tapas, then chocolate and cookies for desert. Tove and I continued the party with wine at Marit’s house. Just as the day before, Marit did come home to join us, late at night. Even after we had decided to go to bed, we kept talking in Tove’s room. I was grateful that the workshops started at 11 am on Sunday so we could get a few hours of sleep beforehand.

More than 4500 persons visited the festival on the first 2 days, so the number of visitors has increased year after year. On Sunday morning I held my third and last workshop, while Tove held a talk. This was another new workshop, called Perfect Fit. Signed on to take part was a friend of mine from Facebook, Marianne Skatten, who walked into the room wearing my design Halli. Marianne has worn it ever since she finished knitting it, I am proud to say. Especially since Marianne designs herself. Take a look at her blog: She is also taking part in the ongoing Prescott Pullover KAL. Talking to Marianne in the previous photo is Anne, who attended my workshop in Cable Knitting Masterclass last year. I had a fabulous weekend; enjoyed meeting knitters, holding workshops and seeing friends! My host Marit, I will see next at Røros, at the Knitting Weekend in October.


Strikkekafé in Fredrikstad

Last Thursday evening I was invited by Strikkefestivalen/Knitting festival to hold a presentation of my designs in Fredrikstad. So two days in a row, I held my new PowerPoint presentation. I did not even need to re-pack my suitcase. Above you see one of the photos taken at Fredrikstad, a few minutes before I began my presentation. Yes, I was still wearing my Bowery Tunic knitted in Madeline Tosh, Tosh DK made for knit.wear Spring/Summer 2017. On sale was drinks, a small collections of cakes and popular raffle tickets with a selection of prizes. I brought a number of my sample garments, swatches, skeins of yarn, magazines my designs appear in and my book. The stylist Kristin Elise Halkjelsvik of Makeløs/Remarkable – yes, indeed she is – came and so did textile artist Sissel Strand, to my delight! After my presentation, my swatches and garments were studied. Kristin has styled several of my designs for the magazine Made by Me but also for different catwalks, the last one was Strikke 2017 at Hadeland Glassverk. What makes her remarkable, is how she re-designs an old handcrafted item such as embroidered table cloth into a dress and then add a length of tulle fabric together with a knitted or crocheted garment into an colour explosion but also a feast for the eye. It was a pleasure to meet Kristin and Sissel again, but also to meet knitters I knew from my workshop and new knitters!

Marit Larsen is the organiser and also the Managing Director of Explore Travel who is organising a knitting weekend for the Norwegian magazine Hjemmet to Røros in October. I have been invited to hold talks & workshops and look forward to visiting Røros for the first time. If you have not heard about Røros I can tell you that it is one of the oldest towns of wooden buildings in Europe, founded in 1644. Due to its authentic wooden buildings and unique character of an early mining town, Røros was added to the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1980. So if you are interested, you will find more details here: Strikk Røros okt 2018.











